Ready to Achieve


The vision at the City of Derby Academy is to ‘improve the life chances of all students’. We passionately believe that this will happen when students experience a curriculum, which suits their individual strengths, potential and aspirations. In addition, our curriculum aims to inspire and challenge all students and prepare them for the future.

Parents/Carers or members of the public can find out more about the curriculum our school is following by contacting the school and asking to speak to Mrs C Russell, Assistant Headteacher.

Within CoDA we also offer a bespoke provision for students who are currently unable to access their mainstream provision. This follows the national curriculum but can offer enhanced social and emotional support for students. This provision is for a very small number of students and is only for students currently on roll at CoDA, and for whom we have identified through our Inclusion Graduated Response and SEND pathway that there is a significant level of need. Families are not able to select CoDA with the specific intention that their child is able to access this curriculum offer.

Our ‘Curriculum Intent’ is to help our students develop the knowledge and skills they need to become successful and responsible citizens in modern Britain.

More details on the curriculum for each subject can be found below:

© 2024 City of Derby Academy Made by CODA Education

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City of Derby Academy
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