Ready to Achieve


New National Guidance on Attendance – Please see below the summary of the new national framework for attendance from Derby City Council taking effect in August 2024.

New National Framework For Penalty Notices – Please see below the changes coming into force for School Penalty Notice Fines taking effect in August 2024.

Attendance at City of Derby Academy

Good attendance is crucial to the future educational success of your child. At the Academy, good attendance is defined at 95% and above. If your child achieves this, they will have full access to a rich curriculum, the opportunity to engage positively with the academy and be able to enjoy a feeling of belonging to their community.

The Academy operates a ‘traffic light’ system in relation to attendance. At each stage, there will be appropriate interventions to support students.

GO 4 Schools

Parents have access to GO 4 Schools which enables them to track their child’s attendance and punctuality at the Academy; full details can be found on our GO 4 Schools page here.

Breaking Down Barriers

At the City of Derby Academy, we work diligently to help students attend as many days as they can. Click through the slideshow below to see how we can support your child at school.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes we do expect a phone call every day. Please call 01332 270450 before 9.30 to report your child’s absence.

Where possible we ask that appointments be made out of school time however if this is not possible please contact the school in advance to inform us if your child will be coming in late or leaving early due to an appointment.  All appointments require medical proof. If proof is not provided the absence will NOT be authorised. Absences, whether authorised or not, will impact on your child’s percentage attendance.

If your child is late to school, without good reason, they will be issued with a 20 minute detention the following day. All students should be in their form room/assembly/lesson by 8.40am, if they are not they will be classed as late and will need to sign in at the main office. Your child will only be excused from a detention if they have attended a medical appointment, have permission from School or we have received a phone call from a parent/carer.

Parents should not take students on holiday in term time. All holidays taken in term time will be unauthorised and a fine may be issued. Fines apply per parent, per child. Payment is £160 if paid within 28 days reduced to £80 if paid within 21 days (following receipt of fine which will be issued by the Local Authority)  If not paid the matter will be placed before the court.

School will authorise if the day is exclusively set apart for religious observance by the religious body to which the parents belong.

Useful Links

Please follow the link for 2024/25 term dates.

Please click here for the Attendance Protocol.

Please click the link for more information on Education Penalty Notices.

Please click the link for information on attendance from Derby City Council.

Please find the Leave of Absence form below.

LOA form

© 2025 City of Derby Academy Made by CODA Education

You can request a paper copy of the information contained on this website, free of charge. Please contact Reception to arrange this.

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City of Derby Academy
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