Ready to Achieve


What do we mean by ‘homework’?

Homework includes any work completed by students outside of normal lesson time:

  • Work completed at home or in the library before and after school
  • Work completed at home during normal school hours when a student is absent e.g. due to illness
  • Work completed when the school is closed to students (weekends and holidays)
  • Work completed outside of school (‘remote learning’)
  • Work completed outside of school hours using a smart phone or laptop (‘online learning’)


Why do we think homework is important?

CODA’s vision is “improving the life chances of all students”. We believe that completing work outside of lessons helps to improve students’ life chances by developing their independence, self-discipline and resilience.

Homework also provides students with opportunities to:

  • Practice, consolidate and extend what they have learned in lessons
  • Prepare for assessments and examinations in advance (rather than ‘cramming’ the night before)
  • Develop their digital literacy skills by accessing and completing work ‘online’


What are CODA’s homework expectations?

CODA does not have a formal homework timetable. Teachers may sometimes set specific homework tasks, and students are expected to complete these by the deadline provided. Teachers will also direct students to revise and prepare for tests and assessments throughout the year.

Most of the time, however, students are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and to follow the CODA Homework Code and complete extra work in their own time.

When students do complete follow the CODA Homework Code they are rewarded with extra ‘Class Charts’ points. These points help students to achieve their ‘95% positive ratio’ which allows them to participate in the ‘Activity Days’ that happen at the end of every term.

Students (and parents/guardians) can log onto Go4Schools to see what positive points have been awarded by teachers for completing homework tasks.



To check what topics they are studying, students can visit

For help with logging into Maths Watch and Teams, students can also visit

Students should go to and login with their school email address and password. They can email any teacher directly using their school Outlook email account, or email if they need help with logging on.

To watch ClickView videos students can visit and use their school email address and password.

To access Unifrog careers advice go to and use their personal login.

If students have forgotten their usernames and passwords, they can speak to the following staff:

Office – ICT technicians

Maths Watch – Maths teacher

Linguascope, Memrise or Language Gym – French/German/Spanish teacher

Unifrog – Form Tutor


Students and parents/carers can also ask the following staff for help:

How can parents/guardians help their child with homework?

Please ensure that your child has access to a digital device that can access the internet, such as a laptop, tablet or smartphone. If you have any problems with computer or internet access, then please let us know as we may be able to help you. The school is investing a lot of money in buying Google Chromebooks for some students to borrow whilst they are a student at CODA. Your child may be eligible for one of these or other forms of IT support.

Please encourage your child to follow the CODA Homework Code, and to access online learning when they are absent from school.

You could also talk to your child about what they are learning e.g. by asking them what they know, or asking them to explain or demonstrate things. Talking about learning will help them to remember more and make more progress.

© 2025 City of Derby Academy Made by CODA Education

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City of Derby Academy
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